
Rocky Mountain oil search yields $14.7 billion in deals over 18 months

The lure of oil beneath the Western Plains -- from North Dakota to Colorado -- has led to a record $14.7 billion in mergers and acquisitions since the start of 2011, according to an analysis by accounting and consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.



TransCanada files new route proposal for Keystone XL

TransCanada has proposed to Nebraska officials a new route for the U.S. segment of its Keystone XL pipeline that avoids the Ogallala Aquifer and the Sandhills region in Nebraska. "The identified route, along with our commitment to implement additional safety requirements above and beyond those required for any other pipeline, ensures the protection of Nebraska's resources," said Russ Girling, TransCanada's president and CEO. TransCanada submitted the revised route plan to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.



71 percent of voters favor more oil and natural gas development

Harris Interactive conducted a poll and found 71% of American voters favor increased access to U.S. oil and natural gas resources and 92% say energy security and producing at home more oil and natural gas is an important issue this election.



US approves portion of Keystone pipeline

TransCanada has a permit, but not for the larger portion of Keystone, which would transport Canadian oil sands from Alberta.



EPA declares water in Pa. 'fracking' village safe to drink

The U.S. EPA announced it had ended testing of drinking water in the northeastern Pennsylvania community of Dimock and declared it safe to drink.



Natural Gas Boom Hints At U.S. Energy Sufficiency

After decades of rising prices, hostile foreign suppliers and warnings that Americans will have to bicycle to work, the world faces the possibility of vast amounts of cheap, plentiful fuel. And the source for much of this new supply? The U.S.



Marcellus gas cuts price premiums to decade lows

So much natural gas is coming from the Marcellus shale deposit in the U.S. Northeast that costs for utilities are at levels unseen in more than a decade.



OSHA and NIOSH issue hazard alert for silica exposure in fracking operations

OSHA and NIOSH issued an alert that outlines the health hazards associated with hydraulic fracturing and focuses specifically on exposures to airborne silica.